Moroccan GHORIBA confectionery recipes

Moroccan GHoRIBA confectionery recipes

The Moroccan kitchen is resplendent with the most delectable confections, and Moroccans distinguish themselves through the uniqueness of their confectionery in terms of both form and composition. Allow me to present Moroccan GHRIBA confectionery recipes replete with comprehensive details for preparation and execution.

Sesame's Bahla - An Economical Ghoraiba 


  • Three cups of fine white confectionery flour.
  • A cup of vegetable oil.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • One and a quarter cups of sugar.
  • One sachet (approximately 8 grams) of confectionery yeast.
  • About 8 grams of vanilla sugar.
  • Half a cup of toasted sesame seeds.


  1.  In a bowl, sift the flour with the confectionery yeast.
  2.  Add sugar, vanilla sugar, and salt; mix the dry ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Gradually incorporate the oil into the mixture and knead it well. Ensure the dough is soft, not dry.
  4. If the dough is dry, you may add a little more oil, depending on the type of flour.
  5. Shape the dough into somewhat simplified spheres.
  6. Arrange them spaced apart on a preheated oven tray at 180 degrees Celsius.
  7. Place the tray directly under the heat until the confectionery cracks and acquires a light golden hue.
  8. Move the confectionery to the lower oven rack for an additional two or three minutes to complete the lower-side cooking.

Sesame and Coconut Ghriba cookies


  • A cup and a half of fine semolina flour for preparing "Harsha," equivalent to 180 to 200 grams.
  • Approximately 125 grams of oil.
  • Three medium-sized eggs.
  • Egg white (albumen).
  • Half a small teaspoon of orange blossom water.
  • A small teaspoon of soft butter.
  • About 100 grams of granulated sugar.
  • A quarter cup of liquid apricot jam for confectionery.
  • Grated zest of a lemon or orange, which can be substituted with desired flavors to coat the eggs.
  • 250 grams of high-quality finely ground coconut (distinguished by its high price compared to regular coconut).
  • Special sugar for coating this type of confectionery (can be prepared at home by blending 125 grams of starch with a kilogram of granulated sugar and sifting the mixture).


  1. Whisk the eggs, sugar, and vanilla sugar thoroughly using an electric mixer or beater.
  2. Add the oil, salt, jam, and butter; mix the ingredients well using the mixer or electric beater.
  3. Add the coconut to the mixture, then manually combine all the ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Sift half of the semolina flour with the confectionery yeast over the mixture, then knead everything well.
  5. Add the remaining semolina and mix the components while kneading by hand.
  6. Allow the resulting dough to rest for about 15 minutes.
  7. Mix the orange blossom water with the egg albumen; this is the best mixture for securing the sugar coating on the confectionery.
  8. Wet your hands with the egg albumen and orange blossom water mixture.
  9. Shape small 22-gram spheres, yielding approximately 44 to 46 pieces of confectionery.
  10. Place the spheres in the special sugar for coating and cover all sides.
  11. Arrange the spheres on a butter-paper-lined oven tray.
  12. Press lightly on each sphere with the back of a spoon before placing the tray in the oven preheated to 150 degrees Celsius.
  13. Prior to placing the tray in the oven, press each sphere gently with the back of a spoon to create slight cracks on the confectionery's surface.
  14. Bake the confectionery for approximately ten minutes, primarily with heat from above, until the spheres crack.
  15. This time, place the tray in the oven with heat from below for about five more minutes.
  16. Do not leave the confectionery in the oven until it cools, as the butter paper may stick due to the sugar coating.
  17. Enjoy these delightful confections with your family and guests.

Peanut and Cocoa Ghorba


  • Half a kilogram of peanuts.
  • One sachet (8 grams) of confectionery yeast.
  • 16 grams of vanilla sugar.
  • Approximately 150 to 200 grams of granulated sugar.
  • Two tablespoons of cocoa powder.
  • Three eggs.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Half a kilogram of high-quality crystalline sugar (for coating).


1. Grind the peanuts with their skins after lightly toasting them.

2. Add sugar, confectionery yeast, vanilla sugar, cocoa, and salt; thoroughly mix the dry ingredients by hand.

3. Add the eggs and combine the elements while kneading until everything melds together.

4. Form small balls after wetting and greasing your hands with orange blossom water.

5. Place the balls in the high-quality crystalline sugar and coat them evenly.

6. Arrange the balls on an oven tray lined with butter paper. Press each ball gently in the center with your finger or a small spoon to create slight cracks.

7. Insert the confectionery into the oven for approximately ten minutes, primarily with top heat, until the balls crack.

8. Next, place the tray in the oven with heat from below for no more than five minutes.

9. Avoid leaving the confectionery in the oven until it cools, as the butter paper may stick due to the crystalline sugar.

Broccoli or Multicolored Sesame ghoribia


  • 500 grams of toasted sesame seeds.
  • 250 grams of toasted and crushed peanuts.
  • Four eggs.
  • 100 grams of soft room-temperature butter.
  • 125 grams of granulated sugar.
  • Two large tablespoons of apricot jam for confectionery, or glucose, or honey, depending on availability.
  • A quarter cup of orange blossom water.
  • 16 grams of confectionery yeast.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Pistachio flavor or half a small teaspoon of cinnamon (optional).


  1. Grind the toasted peanuts with their skins.
  2. Mix the butter with sugar thoroughly in a bowl.
  3. Add the eggs and a pinch of salt; then beat the ingredients well.
  4. Incorporate the jam and orange blossom water; mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Add half a small teaspoon of your desired flavor.
  6. Add the peanuts and confectionery yeast, always ensuring thorough mixing of the components.
  7. Add the sesame seeds and let the mixture rest for half an hour; the dough should be somewhat loose.
  8. Shape small balls and coat them entirely with colored sesame seeds.
  9. Cook the confectionery using the previously mentioned method for approximately five minutes, with low heat from the top first and then another five minutes with low heat from the bottom.

Coloring Sesame Seeds with Food Coloring

  1. Take a quantity of toasted white sesame seeds.
  2. Add half a small teaspoon of powdered food coloring liquid food coloring, or any available viscous liquid food coloring, along with a few drops of water.
  3. Mix and stir everything thoroughly until the sesame seeds are colored.
  4. Allow it to sit for about a quarter of an hour, then place it in the oven to remove moisture; turn on the oven for a few minutes, and then turn it off.
  5. Store the colored sesame seeds in a tightly sealed glass container until use.
