chicken with fried potatoes and olives

chicken with fried potatoes and olives a very tasty and delicious dish that combines spiced chicken broth, crispy French fries, and salted olives. really this recipe that you can try by following the following steps:

Tagine with chicken and olives

Ingredients needed to prepare tagine with chicken and olives

  • Half a kilo of chicken meat
  • Two large onions, finely chopped.
  • Four crushed garlic cloves.
  • Six tablespoons of finely chopped parsley and coriander.
  • A cup of green olives without pits, red olives can also be used.
  • A teaspoon of pickled lemon pulp.
  • A teaspoon of ghee (optional).
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil.
  • A quarter teaspoon of cinnamon
  • A little nutmeg powder
  • a bit of galangal.
  • A teaspoon of black pepper
  • A teaspoon of ginger
  • Half a teaspoon of turmeric.
  • Salt to taste
  • Half a small cup of water.

How to prepare the recipe

  1. Wash the chicken pieces well.
  2. Putting the meat in water with lemon slices.
  3. Rinse with water and drip.
  4. We put the meat in a bowl and add the following
  5. A teaspoon of pickled lemon pulp, cinnamon, nutmeg and galangal
  6. Half a teaspoon of black pepper, ginger, turmeric, and salt.
  7. 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of coriander, and chopped parsley.
  8. We mix the meat with all the ingredients and leave it for at least half an hour to be saturated with seasoning.
  9. In a Tagine and over low heat, fry the chicken meat, onion, and two cloves of garlic in vegetable oil.
  10. Add a little water and leave the tagine on low heat until the chicken is cooked.
  11. In a casserole, pour boiling water over the olives, then drain and drip well.
  12. Add the olives and two tablespoons of olive oil to the broth. Leave the tagine on the stove for a few minutes. The consistency of the broth will be somewhat thick and relatively little..
  13. Serve the tagine with chicken and olives after adding pickled lemon slices. It can also be accompanied by french fries.

Roasted chicken with fried potatoes

chicken with fried potatoes and olives


  • A chicken weighing at least two kilograms.
  • A bunch of parsley and coriander, finely chopped.
  • Five crushed garlic cloves.
  • Four grains of chopped onion.
  • A cup of green or red olives.
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Three tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • A teaspoon of ghee.
  • A teaspoon of black pepper
  • Turmeric teaspoon
  • A teaspoon of ginger
  • A quarter teaspoon of cinnamon and a little grated nutmeg
  • Four tablespoons of white vinegar.
  • a piece of lemon
  • Half a pickled lemon

How to prepare chicken with fried potatoes step by step:

  1. Clean the chicken well with water
  2. Rub all over the chicken with about six tablespoons of salt and half a small cup of vinegar to remove all the dirt and impurities stuck to the skin.
  3. Rinse the chicken with water, then place it in a large, somewhat concave saucepan. Cover it with water. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze it over the chicken. We also put the peel in the water and leave it for half an hour
  4. In another bowl, mix the coriander and parsley with the garlic, allspice, one tablespoon of olive oil, and one teaspoon of sour pickled pulp.
  5. We take the chicken and put it dripping from the water
  6. Brush the chicken with the marinade well on the outside and inside, and add the seasoning between the skin and the meat whenever possible.
  7. Put the rest of the marinade inside the chicken and tie its legs with string (so they don't fly off).
  8. We keep the chicken overnight in the fridge (not the freezer) for at least two hours.
  9. Put onions and vegetable oil, and lightly fry in an ordinary saucepan.
  10. Add the chicken, making sure to fry on all sides.
  11. We put it on the chest and add to it a liter of water, half a spoonful of: turmeric, ginger, black pepper, olive oil, ghee, then salt according to taste.
  12. Let it simmer for forty to forty-five minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pot.
  13. We filter the chicken from the broth and put it in the oven tray after coating it with butter.
  14. We leave it for at least half an hour in the oven until it browns well and is fully cooked.
  15. For the broth, we leave it on the fire and stir with a wooden spoon until we get a thick relatively thick, and curdled broth.
  16. Take the olives and put them in boiling water for five minutes.
  17. Strain the olives and add them to the broth.
  18. In a serving dish, put the broth, then the Roasted chicken, after removing the thread from it, and decorate it with the pickled lemon peel.
  19. French fries can be added to the dish.
  20. Fried almonds and dried apricots can also be added Dried apricots after boiling them in water and adding sugar, cinnamon, and a little butter...the method for preparing dried apricots is detailed at the end of this article
  21. The dish can also be decorated in the following way:
chicken with fried potatoes and olives

Chicken tagine is a dish spread all over the world, as chicken meat blends perfectly with flavors to be a very tasty and delicious dish, in addition to its simple and economical ingredients found in most kitchens.

How to prepare dried apricots in recipes

  1. Take dried apricots and put them in a pot to boil for half an hour at most.
  2. Drain from the water, return to the pot over very low heat, and add three tablespoons of sugar, four tablespoons of the chicken broth in which the chicken was cooked half a teaspoon of cinnamon, and one teaspoon of animal butter.
  3. We continue until we get honeyed apricots with this diameter.
